200th Anniversary of the Burning of HMS Gaspee 4-20 June 2022

Jun 4-Jun 20, 1200Z-0300Z, W1G/K1G, various towns, RI. Blackstone Valley Amateur Radio Club. 7.275 14.035 13.074. Certificate & QSL. Robert Beaudet, W1YRC, 30 Rocky Crest Rd., Cumberland, RI 02861. Actual event is June 12; stations will be active June 4-20. Work both stations and receive a certificate. www.w1ddd.org/gaspeedays.html    , various towns, RI. Blackstone Valley Amateur Radio Club. 7.275 14.035 13.074. Certificate & QSL. Robert Beaudet, W1YRC, 30 Rocky Crest Rd., Cumberland, RI 02861. Actual event is June 12; stations will be active June 4-20. Work both stations and receive a certificate. www.w1ddd.org/gaspeedays.html


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