
Nostalgic Amateur Radio Callsigns

    Here is a great way to look up nostalgic callsigns that are no longer offered to be seen on the QRZ webpage. You also do not have to pay to look them up. If you would like to see who had your callsign 30 years ago, this is the best way to find out. Good luck! 73[]=year%3A%221987%22

Anniversary of Apollo Landing

  Jul 20, 1330Z-2000Z, K2CAM , Garden City, NY. Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club. 14.240 7240. QSL. LIMARC, P.O. Box 392, Levittown, NY 11756. Remembering the 1969 Moon Landing of Apollo 11. It recognizes the contributions of the aerospace industry on Long Island. Located at the Cradle of Aviation Museum. K2CAM will be operated by the Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club. Will be operating SSB , PSK31, and FT8. or

200th Anniversary of the Burning of HMS Gaspee 4-20 June 2022

Jun 4-Jun 20, 1200Z-0300Z, W1G/K1G, various towns, RI. Blackstone Valley Amateur Radio Club. 7.275 14.035 13.074. Certificate & QSL. Robert Beaudet, W1YRC, 30 Rocky Crest Rd., Cumberland, RI 02861. Actual event is June 12; stations will be active June 4-20. Work both stations and receive a certificate.    , various towns, RI. Blackstone Valley Amateur Radio Club. 7.275 14.035 13.074. Certificate & QSL. Robert Beaudet, W1YRC, 30 Rocky Crest Rd., Cumberland, RI 02861. Actual event is June 12; stations will be active June 4-20. Work both stations and receive a certificate.

Special Event in the Spotlight: Lewis and Clark Trail on the Air Jun 4-Jun 19

Jun 4-Jun 19, 0000Z-2359Z, various calls , various towns and states. Clark County Amateur Radio Club. SSB Phone, FM Phone (for 2 meters only), CW, and FT8. Certificate. Clark County ARC, See website for information on receiving, certificate . or . For more information on ARRL Special Events just go to the left of the blogspot and click ARRL  Special Events for the most current special events for the month.

Helping Savannah River Academy (SRA) prepare to contact the International Space Station (ISS)

 Last year in December, I had the fortunate opportunity to help one of the local schools prepare to make contact with the International Space Station ISS.